MD Public School Construction

The Educational Specifications Workgroup

The Workgroup on Educational Development Specifications was established in 2018 as part of the 21st Century School Facilities Act. The Workgroup, based on the work of the 21st Century School Facilities Commission (known as the Knott Commission), reviewed the processes relating to early planning and funding, including square footage allocations, design standards, cost-per-square-foot figures, State Rated Capacity, and construction cost per student.

The recommendations in this report reflect hours of analysis and deliberation by a body of elected officials and school-facilities professionals with a variety of experience, expertise and perspectives on how to fine-tune the way schools are designed, built, and operated such that our statewide school-facilities portfolio perpetually remains educationally sufficient and fiscally sustainable.

These consensus recommendations seek to lay the foundation for a new approach to school design and construction: one that enhances the partnership between local jurisdictions and the State and that both preserves local decision making and provides a path to fiscal sustainability.​

December 17, 2018

Meeting Recording

Please note that technical difficulties prevented audio from being available for the first hour and a half of the Live Stream. The audio issue was resolved and restored after the Workgroup’s first break (at about the 1:50:00 mark in the live stream.) The Meeting Minutes linked below serve as the official record for the first part of the meeting, when audio was unavailable.
